Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

The Fenomena of Cakil

Cakil an original figure of creativity Indonesia. Cakil not a name, but called for a giant faced with long canine teeth on the lower lip to upper lip through it. He can be named whatever the puppeteer who plays, sometimes called Ditya Gendirpenjalin, sometimes also called Gendringcaluring, Klanthangmimis, Kalapraceka, and even I never met the mastermind named Kala Ditya Plenthong.

Described different Cakil other giants that only one hand can be moved. Cakil hand can move both. This was interpreted as a depiction of "sengkalan Memet": "hand yaksa satataning Janam" which means hands like a giant human hand. These words contain the following numbers of character, hand: 2, yaksa: 5, satataning: 5, creature: 1. If read backwards it will produce a number of Java in 1552, or 1630 AD, which is in the creation of Cakil figures.

In wayang, Cakil small voice, high-pitched fast talking style. Despite the talk, face to face but he was like talking to people in the distance. Cakil the giant puppet is a figure who served as keeper of a country's boundaries. If there satria (most often or Abhimanyu Arjuna) who passed through the area blocked that sometimes occurs war, called the Flower War. Therefore, the puppet Cakil included in the category "Buta Begal". Buta Begal which mean blind bad man.

Cakil figures in wayang gagrag (style) of Yogyakarta, is described by the position langak face, kiyeran eyed, with a tooth blackener wungkal nose, mouth mrenges with a mustache, beard, and bushy sideburns. He wore sumping sorengpati, with diadem sadasaler, odholan hair (loose). Body gagahan with Wastra necklace (necklace mandarin), blothong pocong leg position, wearing a bracelet reinforcements, and as an anklet binggel.

link relevan : http://wayangprabu.com

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