Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

Sheikh Jumadil the former leader

Sheikh Jumadil figure Qubro is often mentioned in the chronicles and folklore as one of the pioneers of the spread of Islam in Java. He is generally considered not a descendant of Javanese, but came from Central Asia. There are several versions of the Chronicle believes that he is a descendant of the 10th of Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad. Meanwhile, Martin van Bruinessen (1994) stated that he is the same figure with Jamaluddin Akbar (see description Sheikh Maulana Akbar below).

Some Chronicle argued that Sheikh Jumadil Qubro has two sons, Maulana Malik Ibrahim (Sunan Gresik) and Maulana Ishaq, who together with him to come to the island of Java. Sheikh Jumadil Qubro then fixed in Java, Maulana Malik Ibrahim to Champa, and his brother Maulana Ishaq Islamize Pasai Ocean. Thus, some Walisongo the Sunan Ampel (Raden Rahmat) and Sunan Giri (Raden Paku) is his grandson; while Sunan Bonang, Sunan Drajad and Sunan Kudus is a great-grandson. This causes the opinion that the Walisongo a descendant of the dominant ethnic Uzbeks in Central Asia, but other possibilities are ethnically Persian, Gujarati, or Hadramaut.

His tomb is in some place that is in Semarang, Trowulan, or in the village of Turgo near Pelawangan), Yogyakarta. Not known which one is really grave.

Link relevan : http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walisongo

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